Nondi (நொண்டி) [Pandi (பாண்டி)] – In many of the rural villages of Tamil Nadu, girls play a very funny game of hopping called Nondi. It is still played by girls in many villages, and it is known as Tokkudu Billa or Tangidi Billa in Andrapradesh and Kunte Bille in Karnataka. Today’s educated girls and tomboys have switched to playing masculine games instead of gender-based ones. Consequently, nondi is on the verge of extinction today. Tokkudu Billa is a variation of the Hopscotch family of games with a 24 grid.
Nondi Pandi
Paandi, also known as Pandi or Nondi, is a regional hopscotch game that has its roots in rural areas of India (like Tamil Nadu) and Sri Lanka, as well as in a few other nations that have a lot of Indian immigrants. There are no serious rules or regulations to the game, which is played for fun only.
Nondi Pandi Game Overview
Name of the Article | Nondi (நொண்டி) [Pandi (பாண்டி) |
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Nondi An evergreen Indian traditional game
Nondi is a long-standing Indian tradition game: Nondi is a common game from South India that is played in many rural areas. Females typically enjoy playing this enjoyable jumping game. In South Indian states like Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh, the game is known as TokkuduBilla or TangidiBilla. In Karnataka, this game is known as KunteBille and is also a fun sport. Even though the practice of gender-based games has almost disappeared, many rural communities in south India continue to practice it. In contrast, Nondi is still in danger of extinction. It’s a sports version of hopscotch.
Thing Required
- A coin or a small slate stone
- Chalk piece or chalk powder
- Flat Ground
- More than 1 player to have fun
Nondi involves hopping and jumping through the court in a predetermined pattern without touching the lines or putting a hand down to gain balance in order to capture the maximum number of grid squares. This game would be best played on sand or a small, flat area of concrete. The grid is numbered on the ground or the floor, and the semicircle at the top with the number 9 represents “Home.”
How to Play Nondi Pandi ?
Phase 1
- Stand out side of the grid, near square 1
- Throw the stone in square 1
- Starting from square 1 hop over the stone on your way to ‘Home’ (square 9) and turn back and hop back to square 2 bend and pick the stone in square 1
- Throw the stone in square 2
- Starting from square 1 hop over the stone on your way to ‘Home’ (square 9) and turn back and hop back to square 3 bend and pick the stone in square 2
- Repeat the above process by throwing the stone in 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8
Phase 2
Place the stone in the palm opened
- Hop, starting from 1 unto 8
- Throw the coin out the grid (not too far) and jump on it in hopping position
- Repeat the process with the coin in the palm inverted
Phase 3
- Ask the other players for “kaaya” or “Pazhalama”
- If the other players choose Kaai, sit down with back facing the grid and throw the coin so that may falls in any of the squares.
- If the players choose Pazhalam, then stand up with back facing the grid and throw the coin so that it may fall in any of the squares
- Hop into the grid, and pick up the coin as in the previous steps
- Draw a cross in the box in which you picked up the stone. (In this box, you can rest both of your legs)
- Hop out the grid with the stone. Now this indicates that you have captured a box.
Phase 4
Go through all above phases to capture the other boxes. You can rest both of your legs in boxes 4 and 5 and in the boxes that you have captured.
Losing chances:
A player loses her chance at any stage if
- He/She Lands on a box that is captured by the opponents
- The coin is thrown on crossed squares
- The coin falls out of the grid
- The coin falls on the lines of the grid
- The coin slips down off the palm
Nondi Pandi Requirements
To participate in the sport of Nondi, you need to have a few very basic things. It is done on a surface that is level. The materials used are a penny or a small slate stone, a chalk dust, and a chalk chip. Multiple players are welcome to participate in the game. The objective of the game is to capture the most spaces in the matrix by jumping and skipping. A certain rhythm is maintained while bouncing through the arena, with the legs not touching the lines and the arms not being lowered to restore balance. The game is most enjoyable when played on sandy or level concrete surfaces. On the field, the pattern is made and marked.
How To Play Nondi Pandi ?
The player begins the game by throwing a pebble or coin into the first grid while standing far outside the pattern. He or she must start in the first sector, jump over the stones to the ninth sector, also known as homes, and continue in the same manner to the second block, where they must stoop down to catch the rock from the first block. To retrieve the pebble from grid three, the player must now throw the pebble into the second grid. The practice continues until the eighth space is filled in with the stone.
Nondi is a common game from South India that is played in many rural areas. It is a fun jumping game that women enjoy. In the next part of the game, the player must jump from the first block to the eighth square with the pebble in their outstretched palm. The gamer leaps over the pebble while in the jumping position as the pebble is now thrown from the box. Continue the cycle by placing the pebble on the palm that is facing the other way.
Other things
At this point, the individual may request Kaaya or Pazhalama from other participants. If other players choose Kaaya, they have to sit with their back to the court. The stone should be tossed in this manner so that it lands in any of the squares. The player must perform the same action while standing if Pazhalama is chosen. After that, the pebble would have to be chosen by jumping onto the grid in the same way that it had been in the previous phases. A cross must be drawn in the slot where the pebble will be chosen. In this location, the athlete can unwind with both of his feet. The pebble-enabled square that the player has already conquered must now be jumped out of by the player.
To acquire all of the marked areas, the procedures of the previous phases were repeated, and both feet can rest comfortably on the caught boxes. If the pebble lands on a square that has been grabbed by rivals, if it slides down the hand, if the rock falls over the rectangular coordinates, if it slips out of the square, or if it is tossed on bridged squares, the athlete loses his or her opportunity at any point during the game.
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